本書作者Kitty Kwok,是現在大受歡迎著名的糖霜餅乾達人;自三年多前在東京偶遇上這款可愛小玩意,從此欲罷不能,全副身心投入到鑽研糖霜餅乾上,甚至遠赴巴黎藍帶廚藝學院進修。為了將糖霜餅乾的美好推廣出去,特別撰寫了這本糖霜餅乾教學,從基本功到進階技巧都一一詳細解說,更特別挑選了多款由她精心設計的糖霜餅乾款式,必有一款能打動你的心!
作者Kitty Kwok親自撰寫的糖霜餅乾教學,從烘焙餅乾、為糖霜調色到擠花過程,都有詳細步驟教你從零開始!書中收錄多款精美糖霜餅乾的製作教學,更附有製作餅乾的紙模,是相當方便又實用的糖霜餅乾手冊!
- 從基本的製作餅乾及糖霜調配技巧,到進階的擠花技巧都一一涵蓋,新手及有經驗者者皆適宜。
- 多款由作者精心設計的糖霜餅乾款式,適合不同場合及節慶!
- 圖片精美,令人食指大動!
- 附有製作餅乾的紙模及擠花字款,不擅設計的讀者不用煩惱!
Icing Cookies Are Artworks
Icing Cookie is the most popular sweets recently. It can be served as a dessert, wrapped as a gift or even framed and hanged on the wall as a decoration.
The author of this book, Kitty Kwok, is the most famous Icing Cookie Expert in Hong Kong. Three years ago, she encountered this cutie little thing in Tokyo, since then she is completely devoted to it. She even went to Le Cordon Bleu to further her study in Icing Cookie. She poured all her passion for Icing Cookie in this cook book, to show readers the sweetness and beauty of Icing Cookie. From basic techniques like baking cookies or making royal icing, to advance level like different pipping skills and cookie design, this book covers all details and tips on making Icing Cookie, which makes it a very useful Icing Cookie manual. Moreover, this book includes various themes of design of cookie, each of them are so exquisite and delicate that you simply cannot miss out.
Features of the book
- Includes all techniques, from basic to advanced, with detailed step by step instruction.
- Various beautiful Icing Cookie designed by the author herself, with different themes which suit different festival or events.
- Beautiful snapshots of Icing Cookies, makes your mouth watering.
- Cookie templates enclosed.
Kitty Kwok was once a flight attendant before she got married. One day, she encountered Icing Cookies in Japan, and from then on she has gone crazy about it. Started from self-study, she went through many practices and now she has become a tutor. She took a course in Le Cordon Bleu, and once visited Japan to give tutorial. Now she is the most popular Icing Cookie Expert in Hong Kong. She often visits different countries and exchanges ideas and experience with peer groups in Icing Cookies sector. Kitty believes that Icing Cookies are something representing sweetness and happiness. She hopes that through Icing Cookies she can help people change their pace of life, to spend more time and ideas making something small but unique for their beloved ones, and also enjoy the fun while making and decorating the cookies. She believes that both the giver and the receiver can feel love and happiness from the cookies.
Kitty Kwok
Kitty Kwok was once a flight attendant before she got married. One day, she encountered Icing Cookies in Japan, and from then on she has gone crazy about it. Started from self-study, she went through many practices and now she has become a tutor. She took a course in Le Cordon Bleu, and once visited Japan to give tutorial. Now she is the most popular Icing Cookie Expert in Hong Kong. She often visits different countries and exchanges ideas and experience with peer groups in Icing Cookies sector. Kitty believes that Icing Cookies are something representing sweetness and happiness. She hopes that through Icing Cookies she can help people change their pace of life, to spend more time and ideas making something small but unique for their beloved ones, and also enjoy the fun while making and decorating the cookies. She believes that both the giver and the receiver can feel love and happiness from the cookies.
- 目錄
- 贈言 Words Of Support
- 何肖琼 Louisa Ho
- 森 ゆきこ Rosey
- 陳莉敏 Queenie Chan
- Rikki Kwok
- 序 Preface
- Kitty Kwok
- 作品集 Collection
- The art of icing cookie
- 基本工具 Basic Tools
- 製作餅乾的工具 Cookie Tools
- 餅乾材料 Cookie Ingredients
- 製作糖霜的工具與材料 Tools & Ingredients for Icing
- 裝飾糖霜餅乾的工具 Decorations & Accessories
- 餅乾 Cookies
- 餅乾製作方法 Butter Cookie
- 餅乾食譜 Cookie Recipes
- 烘焙時間 Baking Time
- 餅乾紙模的製作方法 Templates Creation
- 皇室糖霜 Royal Icing
- 皇室糖霜製作方法 Royal Icing
- 糖霜的濃稠度 Icing Consistencies
- 調色的方去 Colour Mixing
- 調色 Colour Palette
- 擠花技巧 Piping Techniques
- 填色的基本 How to Flood
- 其他 Others
- 食用色筆與畫筆 Food Colouring Pen & Paint Brush
- 如何風乾餅乾 Drying Cookies
- 常見問題 Frequently Asked Questions
- Kitty小建議 Kitty’s Tips
- 顏色調配 Colour Preparation
- 甜蜜配方 Sugar Prescriptions
- 糖霜餅乾小教室 Icing Cookies Workshop
- Sweet Dreamy
- I Love Icing Cookie
- Sugar
- Floral Heart
- Leopard Heart
- Initial Love
- Animal Garden
- Crocodile
- Hippo
- Hedgehog
- Koala
- Butterfly Kisses
- Fairy
- Emperor
- Peacock
- A Ladies Afternoon Tea
- Tea Pot
- Tea Cup
- Cupcake
- Secret Garden
- Baby on Board
- Rubber Ducky
- Teddy Bear
- Clown in the Box
- Rocking Horse
- Welcome to the Circus
- Piggy
- Elephant
- Bear
- Lion
- Sweets & Café
- Fork & Spoon
- Strawberry Jam
- Pancake
- Cappuccino
- White Love
- Eyelet
- Petal
- Embroidery
- Fashion Plate
- Lipstick
- Perfume
- Hand Bag
- High Heel
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
- Gingerbread Man
- Snowman
- Christmas Tree
- Candle
- Sweet Dreamy
- 後記 Postscript
- 餅乾紙模 Cookie Templates
- 貯存及包裝 Storage & Packaging
- 製作花絮 Making of
- 鳴謝 Acknowledgements
- 贈言 Words Of Support