Prophacle System

Ken T.
  • 紙書
  • 電子書
出版社 紅出版 (青森文化)
語言 英文
出版日期 2015-05-20
頁數 176
國際書號 9789881391773
內文色彩 黑白
尺寸 14cm x 21cm
訂裝 平裝/膠裝
紙書售價 HK$88.00

This is a story about fate and free will. Can we choose our destiny? The story unveils the tension in the real world by portraying Aaron's life and relationships. With the giant of Internet Search business, Aaron might have doomed the lives of many many people…

Prophacle System is the first published novel of Ken T., a resident of the metropolitan city of Hong Kong.

"For better or worse, this will be his last day – to be a free person, or to be alive". Aaron tragically became the only living member of his family in the space of a week, during his late teens. The emotional suffering became a driving force for his own physical recovery and the purpose underlying his work – he was determined to find a way to prevent others experiencing the same fate. Outsmarting others without drawing the attention of the authorities, or giving competitors any inkling of his unique ideas, allowed him to generate sophisticated search algorithms in his computer tech company. The linkages, predictions and suggestions about computer users' choices and behaviors give rise to his 'Prophacle'.

Will this artificial intelligence interface save others? Is there such a thing as Fate? Do we have free will and at what cost… our own life? Our partner in love?


The author's first novel is set in USA. He creates an easily read portrayal of Aaron's life and relationships, reflecting back to his own family upbringing, then navigating business and challenging personal relationships. Tension is maintained while Aaron seeks control, calculates, manipulates, predicts, creates, and examines integrity within his business and personal relationships.

The author builds suspense further when the predictions have national significance. It peaks in the chilling resolution of Aaron's personal mission that is alluded to in the Prologue.

Ken T.

A resident of the metropolitan city of Hong Kong, Ken T. has worked in different areas of the Information Technology field for over 20 years. Prophacle System is his first published novel.

  • 目錄
    • PART I
      • CHAPTER ONE Not so Humble Beginning
      • CHAPTER TWO First Pot of Gold
      • CHAPTER THREE People Matters
      • CHAPTER FOUR Moneymaking
      • CHAPTER FIVE Car Race
      • CHAPTER SIX Own What You Could Not Crush
      • CHAPTER SEVEN Prophacle
      • CHAPTER EIGHT Identity Management
      • CHAPTER NINE Foretelling Death
      • CHAPTER TEN Unexpected Support
      • CHAPTER ELEVEN US, not US Government
    • PART II
      • CHAPTER TWELVE Jay Stern
      • CHAPTER THIRTEEN Government Visit
      • CHAPTER FOURTEEN Death Avoided
      • CHAPTER FIFTEEN Wildcard
      • CHAPTER SIXTEEN Government Help
      • CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Closing the Loop
      • CHAPTER NINETEEN Love Letter