適逢香港樹仁大學法律與商業學系創辨40週年,是以特意推出這一系列叢書,當中包括三本書:《2013年世界華人法哲學大會文集》、《胡鴻烈大律師傑出學人講座文集》(2014)與及《The Korean Problem – A Study of in Conflict, Diplomacy and International Law》(2015),三套書各擅勝場,講述不同的範疇,如《The Korean Problem – A Study of in Conflict, Diplomacy and International Law》就講述二戰與二戰之後韓戰於香港之影響;其餘兩套文集亦講述不同的專業範疇如:法哲學之於憲政、語言、歷史及人權作出探討;又包括:雙語法制、國際法律、法律教育、調解發展和專業道德等議題。法律與生活其實息息相關,是以這套叢書無論閱讀、學術研究又或收藏都極具價值。
《The Korean Problem – A Study of in Conflict, Diplomacy and International Law》
The book offers, as Professor Reyes writes in his Preface, a brisk account of relations between Korea and Japan prior to 1895, followed by a close examination of Korean diplomatic relations from the Russo-Japanese war to the outbreak of the Korean War. Throughout his narrative, Dr. Hu intersperses analyses of Korea’s status as a country from the standpoint of international law. Ultimately, the work is a study for Dr. Hu of how the Korean peninsula first lost, and then regained its international legal personality in the 20th century, albeit at the tragic price of its unity.
This book is, however, more than just an exercise in diplomatic history coupled with technical legal commentary. It is itself an important document of how “the Korean question” was perceived by international lawyers in the 1950s when Dr. Hu was writing. Sixty years later, it is salutary to reflect on that perception in light of the tensions between North and South Korea that continue to beset us in the 21st century. The reader might ask whether international lawyers could and should have done something more after World War II to achieve Korean unity and whether, in light of the failures of the 1950s highlighted by Dr. Hu, international law should be re-thinking its premises today.