音樂唱作人關名君個人文字作品集首次出版,《本色——關名君詩集Eternal Hues(中英典藏版)》現正披露!
- 《本色》
- 《關關過》
- 《親愛的你幸福嗎》
- 《約定》
Fairy Haze, Mist, and Spirituality.
The flowers of the Manchu people bloom like the sun's embrace.
With her left hand, she composes music.
With her right hand, she writes poetry with aesthetics.
Picked up a thousand pieces of music.
Sing, become a collection of poems.
Colours for the wild world,
As roar as the thundering dragon makes,
As calm as the West Lake.
The poet who sings, invites you to fall.
To her story with all.
A cup of tea, and a whisper for you to hear.
關名君 Lotus Guan
- 原名:關福榮
- 生日:9月27日
- 別名:關心未來
- 英文名:LOTUS Guan
- 民族:滿族
- 星座:天秤座
- 身高:178cm
- 國籍:中國
- 喜歡的歌手:瑪麗亞凱莉、惠特尼休斯頓、鄧麗君
- 出生於中國吉林省,父母是普通的工薪家庭。
- 1997年就讀長春煤炭工業學院英語專業
- 2000年就讀長春軍星藝術學院時裝模特專業
- 2016-2019年就讀東華大學藝術設計專業
- 上海汽車模特大賽―冠軍
- 中國汽車模特大賽―亞軍
- 中國房屋模特大賽―十佳房模
- 上海外高橋汽車交易市場形象代言人
- 任雲屏APP形象代言人
- 聲樂的培訓和流行音樂學習,作詞,作曲等
- 2018年5月23日發行全新EP《關關過》
- 2021年5月1日發行《本色》MV
- 2024年發行《天下生蓮》單曲
Guan Ming Jun
- Original Name: Guan Fu Rong
- Alias: Guan Xin Wei Lai
- Birthday:27th September
- English Name: LOTUS Guan
- Ethnicity: Manchu
- Horoscope: Libra
- Height: 178cm
- Nationality: China
- Favourite Singers: Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston,
- Teresa Teng, Anita Mui
Personal Experience:
- LOTUS Guan was born in Jilin Province, China.
- 1997, Changchun University of Technology,
- English Department.
- 2000, Changchun University of Art college,
- Fashion Model Department.
- In 2016-2019, ShangHai Donghua University, Design Department
- Shanghai Auto Model Contest—Champion
- China Car Model Contest—Runner-up
- China House Model Competition—Top Ten Models
- Image spokesman of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Automobile Trading Market
- Ren Yunping APP image spokesman
- On the 2nd of May 2018, the first music album "Passing Through"《關關過》was released.
- On 1st May 2021, the first MTV "Eternal Hues: A Chronicle of Unchanging Essence"《本色》 released.
- In 2024, the 《天下生蓮》single was released.
Author's business cooperation email : searong777@163.com
- 目錄
- 自序
- 1. 本色 Eternal Hues: A Chronicle of Unchanging Essence
- 2. 幻藍 Azure Enchantment
- 3. 如果千年 Echoes Across Millennia
- 4. 遺憾 Remnants of Regret
- 5. 人生的意義 Echoes of Life's Essence
- 6. 我的世界 Realms Within
- 7. 一千年的傷 A Millennium's Ache
- 8. 最後一片葉子 The Last Leaf's Embrace
- 9. 嵐海 Mists of the Sea
- 10. 為愛而生 Born for Love
- 11. 表像Facade of Reality
- 12. 此刻就是幸福 Now is Happiness
- 13. 不想說話 Silent Serenity
- 14. 重生 Rebirth
- 15. 追趕 Chasing Horizons
- 16. 克米族的小金鋼 The Little IronGuardian of Kemi Clan
- 17. 還好沒有一錯到底 Guided by Hope, Errors Undone
- 18. 就讓時間停止在此刻 Moments Frozen in Eternity
- 19. 股市風雲 Stock Market Symphony
- 20. 放過你也放過我自己 Release You, Release Myself
- 21. 微觀世界 Microcosm's Reverie
- 22. 日出 Dawn's Embrace
- 23. 忘記我是誰 Forgotten Identity
- 24. 幸福擔當 Bearer of Bliss
- 25. 喜歡你 Whispers of Affection
- 26. 平凡的我 Ordinary Brilliance
- 27. 我的天堂 My Paradise
- 28. 愛 Eternal Love
- 29. 片面世界 Perception's Veil
- 30. 聖靈雪女王 Queen of the Spirit Snow
- 31. 血色皇冠 Crimson Crown
- 32. 我可以 I Can
- 33. 美麗的歌唱 Enchanting Melodies
- 34. 平凡英雄 Ordinary Heroes
- 35. 意義Meaning
- 36. 追求完美 Pursuit of Perfection
- 37. 前塵 Echoes of the Past
- 38. 外星人之旅Odyssey of the Extraterrestrial
- 39. 一千年以後 A Thousand Years Beyond
- 40. 半生緣 Half a Lifetime's Bond
- 41. 中子定律 Neutron Law
- 42. 年齡 Timeless Heart
- 43. 尋你 Seeking You
- 44. 我該如何拯救你How Can I Save You
- 45. 愛情奢侈品 Luxury of Love
- 46. 九世輪迴 Nine Lives of Reincarnation
- 47. 使命 Calling of Purpose
- 48. 遲來的初戀 Belated First Love
- 49. 反噬 Backlash
- 50. 望著你 Gazing at You
- 51. 護心鱗 Guardian Scale
- 52. 上層建築 Superstructure
- 53. 幸運 Fortunate Blessings
- 54. 宇宙之光 Cosmic Luminescence
- 55. 好無奈 Unyielding Surrender
- 56. 向陽而生 Blossoming Toward the Sun
- 57. 異鄉人 Wanderer's Reverie
- 58. 天下生蓮 Lotus Blossoms Across the World
- 59. 畫展 Palette of Reflections
- 60. 玲瓏心 Luminous Heart
- 61. 海浪白花 Ocean's Froth
- 62. 玫瑰之吻 Rose's Embrace
- 63. 你值得擁有美好 Embrace the Beauty You Deserve
- 64. 餘生的愛 Love for the Rest of Eternity
- 65. 刻骨銘心的痛 Deeply Etched Pain
- 66. 下午茶的幸福 Blissful Afternoon Tea
- 67. 居高臨下 A View from Above
- 68. 心之所向 Whispers of the Heart
- 69. 往生門 Gate of Transcendence
- 70. 看不清的真諦 Obscured Truths
- 71. 愛戀 Endless Love
- 72. 習慣孤獨 Whispers of Solitude
- 73. 冥王星上的王國 Kingdom on Pluto
- 74. 空.另一個我 Echoes of the Empty Self
- 75. 露珠水境 Realm of Dewdrops
- 76. 全新的自己 A Brand New Self
- 77. 冷漠 Apathy's Embrace
- 78. 忍無可忍 Beyond Endurance
- 79. 約定 Pledged Moments