身心自愈 Tuina —The path to self-healing

  • 紙書
  • 電子書
出版社 紅出版 (青森文化)
語言 繁體中文
出版日期 2022-07-27
頁數 152
國際書號 9789888822041
內文色彩 彩色
尺寸 15cm x 21cm
訂裝 平裝/膠裝
紙書售價 HK$80.00






何文權中醫師 (1948-2007)


Ho Man Keung (M.K. Ho) (Chinese Medicine Practitioner) (1948-2007)

Ho Man Keung started to conduct clinical practices of Tuina in his leisure time since the 70’s and attained his qualification as a “Listed Chinese Medicine Practitioner” in 2001 (reference no.: L07147) in the first batch of Chinese Medicine Practitioners under the newly established registration system for TCM in Hong Kong. Ho Man Keung further refined the methods of Tuina through integrating the concepts of Western and Chinese medicine, which can be complementary to each other. Specifically, he perceived that the Western medical concept is about the studies of distinctive parts or organs in the human body from a micro perspective, whereas the Chinese medical concept is based on the macro perspective of how the entire human body as a whole system affects parts or organs. He applied the complementary nature of Chinese and Western medical concepts to Ho’s Tuina.


  • 社會工作博士(香港理工大學)
  • 通識教育榮譽文學碩士(香港科技大學)
  • 教育學深造證書(香港大學)
  • 基督教靈性研究碩士(加拿大溫哥華維真神學院)
  • 化學工程應用科學學士(加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學)

何博士於2021年獲得社會工作博士學位,是何氏推拿的繼承人。他將推拿與靈性相結合,在生態系統的理論框架下(ecological perspective)在臨床實踐中進一步探討「整體與局部」的理論與骨錯位以及對神經肌肉的影響之間的關係,提出一個身心自愈的理論框架。

Dr. Wai Lun Ho (W.L. Ho)

  • Doctor of Social Work (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
  • Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, Honors (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (The University of Hong Kong)
  • Master of Christian Study in Spirituality (Regent College, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemical Engineering (The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Attained his doctoral degree in social work in 2021, Dr. W.L. Ho is the successor of Ho’s Tuina. By integrating Tuina with spirituality, under the theoretical framework of an ecological perspective in clinical practices, he further investigates the relationship between the theory of “whole-and-parts” and the impact of bone misplacement on nerves and muscles, and he comes up with a theoretical framework of self-healing.

  • 目錄
    • 第一章:Introduction簡介
    • 第二章:推拿向華夏文明的頌揚
    • 第三章:推拿要訣
    • 第四章:個案分享(I)
      • 1. 頭部
      • 2. 脊柱
      • 3. 盤骨
      • 4. 四肢
      • 5. 器官
      • 6. 皮膚
    • 第五章:個案分享(II)
      • 1. 拍打功拍走SARS 後遺症
      • 2. 柏金遜症與頸椎病
      • 3. 頸椎退化(頸硬)、脊骨移位、膝痛、雙手手腕及手指關節腫痛
      • 4. 硬頸的科學家
      • 5. ADHD 小朋友
      • 6. 嬰兒開始養成俯睡的習慣
      • 7. 腦痙攣與正骨
      • 8. 「肯尼迪氏症」
      • 9. 「正骨師傅」醫胃脹
      • 10. 失眠、抑鬱症、胃口與脊骨毛病
      • 11. 下半身運動發展遲緩的BB
      • 12. 黑色的腳
      • 13. 靜脈曲張和白蝕
      • 14. 百病纏身的老人家
      • 15. 建築工人的膝蓋
      • 16. 一個年輕的OL——以為是感冒的耳鳴
    • 第六章:自愈訓練
      • A. 提手伸展法
      • B. 腕管伸展法
      • C. 平睡復位法
      • D. 姿勢的重要
    • 參考書目
    • Reference