Are you searching for a cure to your broken heart? Do you have a friend who keeps dwelling on the past? You have now found the solution! This little book will remind you that there is a lot more to life! Be grateful for who you are! Never stop investing in yourself and be the best that you can be!
Life is short. Don't waste another day! Invest your love and time in people who are worth it. Remember, you only live once and you are in charge of your own happiness.
It's time to move on!
五十張充滿童真的插圖,配對五十件分手後該做的事,簡單明了,是一本最適合下午茶時間的輕鬆讀物──呷一口咖啡、咬一口餅乾,然後翻翻書;或是睡前看幾頁,又或是成為你的旅行小書……笑着學會如何在失戀後釋懷,笑着學會生命中還能擁有更多,Be a better me!
Mellicent Fu
Mellicent Fu was born in Hong Kong and moved to Canada at a young age. She has always enjoyed drawing and has always wanted to publish a book. She has been through a few breakups and is aware of how painful every breakup is. Hence, she decided to create a book based on drawings to try to help those who are struggling to get over a breakup. She hopes that her book can bring out a message telling adolescents, in particular, that life is not just about love. There is a lot more to life!
Each breakup is a blessing in disguise.