從設計手機程式到facebook page分享福音畫作,感恩作者的畫作作品得到廣泛的認同和支持。今天蒙上帝恩典推出全新作品《漫畫聖經 Comic Bible》,不是作者的功勞,乃是上帝給她一個又一個創作靈感和熱誠。全書以全新方式演釋聖經新舊約內容,不偏不離真理,希望讓大眾的生命成長得益及有愉快的人生。
From mobile apps development to facebook page sharing, the author has received many supports and appreciations from the public. It is thankful to publish a new book [comic bible]. Thanks God for keeping her inspirations and passions to finish the book. This book is using a brand-new presentation to deliver the messages from the Holy Bible and which strongly converge to the Bible. Hope it helps people in the growth of life and have a happy life.
Original comic bible hand drawings. This book included 90 topics of comic drawings with reference to the Bible. Let our family and children learning God's words through a relaxing and happy method. The whole book was written in Chinese-English bilingual format.
作者有大量福音畫作支持者:我愛主耶穌 I love Jesus 彩虹十架 Rainbow Cross
亦曾有傳媒報導過作者設計的手機程式「每天聖經金句」: 香港親子版經句APP 鼓勵親子共享靈修時光
The author has 4200 supports for her bible drawings at facebook page: 我愛主耶穌 I love Jesus 彩虹十架 Rainbow Cross, the supporters are mainly come from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, even Japan and Egypt.
Rainbow Cross(the publisher) has launched a popular mobile app [Daily bible verses], the download rate is over 200,000 around the world, the main market is Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, there are many bible drawings by the author in the apps.
Previous News about the publisher and the author: 香港親子版經句APP 鼓勵親子共享靈修時光
謝采恩 (Carey Hsie)
Hong Kong Designer.Handcrafter.Preacher.Housewife
First-class honor graduate of
Hong Kong Baptist University,
major in Digital Graphic Communication.
Love spreading gospel truths through multimedia.
- 目錄
- 02 序.Preface
- 05 信仰基礎.Christian Belief
- 07 救世主.The savior of the world
- 08 常常禱告,不可灰心.Never tired of making prayers
- 09 耶穌與迷羊.Jesus & the losing way sheep
- 10 不要為生命憂慮.Take no thought for your life
- 11 使萬民作主的門徒.Teach all nations
- 12 拯救失喪的人.Save who was lost
- 13 應為誰禱告?.Should make prayers for who?
- 14 聰明的人.A wise man
- 15 計劃將來.Making designs for future
- 16 聽道行道.Doers of the word
- 17 指著主誇口.Let the glory be in the Lord
- 18 大利.Great profit
- 19 知足常樂.Satisfied with what you have
- 20 嫉妒.Envy
- 21 我受不住了.I am not able to stand it
- 22 愛的力量.Power of love
- 23 夢想成真.Dream comes true
- 24 患難中的拯救.Salvation in danger
- 25 新天新地.A new heaven and a new earth
- 26 愛是永不止息的.Love has no end
- 27 只有一位.Only one
- 28 得人如得魚.Fishers of men
- 29 平靜風和浪.Calm down the winds and the sea
- 30 信望愛.Faith, hope and love
- 31 原諒70x7次.Forgive 70x7 times
- 32 看顧親屬.Take care of your family
- 33 安靜的時候.Quiet moments
- 34 去看神醫.Seeing doctor
- 36 保守你的心.Keep watch over your heart
- 37 為逼迫你的人禱告.Make prayer for who are cruel to you
- 38 先求祂的國和義.First care be for his kingdom and his righteousness
- 39 天國的人.People of the kingdom of heaven
- 40 努力面前.Go forward to the mark
- 41 不要論斷別人.Do not judge of others
- 42 清潔的心.A clean heart
- 43 不要彼此說謊.Do not lie to one another
- 44 甚麼叫信耶穌?.What means by having faith in Jesus?
- 45 晝與夜.Day and night
- 46 積聚財寶在天上.Store your wealth in heaven
- 47 五餅二魚.Five cakes of bread and two fishes
- 48 將水變酒.Water become wine
- 49 真正的自由.Truly freedom
- 50 向耶和華歌唱.Make a song to the Lord
- 51 出於信心的祈禱.Prayer of faith
- 52 信心的力量.The power of faith
- 53 被眾人恨惡.Hated by all men
- 54 我要渴永不再渴的水.I need water never be in need of drink again
- 55 永恆的約.Eternal agreement
- 56 不要互相嫉妒.Do not envy one another
- 57 耶穌的降生.The birth of Jesus Christ
- 58 結婚.Marriage
- 59 怕鬼.Afraid of evil spirits
- 60 創造天地的來歷.The generations of the heaven and the earth
- 61 算命.Fortune-telling
- 62 新天新地.New heaven and new earth
- 63 奉主耶穌的名.In Lord Jesus name
- 64 重新得力.Have new strength
- 65 不以貌取人.Do not take note of the outer form
- 66 凡事都能作.Able to do all things
- 67 良朋耶穌.Good friend Jesus
- 68 十誡.The ten commandments
- 69 罪和死的由來.The origin of death and sins
- 70 沒有住處?.No house?
- 71 怎樣才能承受永生 ?.What shall I do to have eternal life?
- 72 耶穌受洗.Baptism of Jesus
- 73 主禱文.The Lord’s Prayer
- 74 我信了主.I believe in Jesus
- 75 美容.Beautiful form
- 76 生氣.Angry
- 77 不要定睛在錢財上.Do not fix your eyes upon money
- 78 更豐盛的生命.More abundant life
- 79 找天父.Finding God father
- 80 不要與惡人作對.Do not make use of force against an evil man
- 81 將房子建在磐石上.Build your house on a rock
- 82 真正拜父的人.The true worshippers
- 83 背起十架.Take up your cross
- 84 彼此相愛的心.Have love one for another
- 85 十個童女的故事.The story of ten virgins
- 86 尋找永生的道路.Finding the road to life
- 87 不要自誇.Do not boast yourself
- 88 愛家庭.Love your family
- 89 喜樂的心.A glad heart
- 90 你們應當悔改.Let your hearts be turned from sin
- 91 好珠子.A beautiful jewel
- 92 末日審判.The Last Judgement
- 93 主的餅和杯.The bread or the cup of the Lord
- 94 有福的人.Blessed people
- 95 得救的方法.The way to get salvation
- 96 向主認罪.Confess our sins to the Lord