《英語實戰力》為有志學英文的讀者精選22篇英文評論,由浸會大學傳理學院新聞系首席講師馮強先生撰寫,並附有作者撰寫的中譯本及寫作分析,每篇評論的文末附註同義詞、反義詞、例句及Useful Expressions,旨在改善在職人士及新高中學生的英文水平及寫作技巧。
馮強定期於《明報》、《爽報》及The Standard撰寫專欄,著有多本教授英文的暢銷書,2012年首次為紅出版推出《時代英語》。
"There are plenty of opportunities in Hong Kong to gain proficiency in English for those motivated enough to do so. This latest book by Victor Fung is such an opportunity. It is easy to read, it is informative, and it is entertaining. What more can you ask for? I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone who wants to hone his or her English skills."
Michael Chugani(褚簡寧)
張洺華(Sharon Cheung)
- 目錄
- 1. A lesson for parents: education begins at home 給家長的忠告:教育始於家庭
- 2. Bringing the world to our universities 把世界帶入我們的大學中
- 3. Beware the media’s influence 警惕媒體的影響
- 4. Moral education can fill the ethical vacuum 道德教育可彌補倫理真空
- 5. Recruitment of academics must start now 教師招聘必須從現在開始
- 6. Loans are the best way to meet degree pledge 貸款是完成政府學位承諾的良方
- 7. Affordable housing is vital for all students 相宜宿舍對學生至關重要
- 8. True prosperity comes from inner wealth 真正繁榮來自精神財富
- 9. The model example a freedom of speech 模特兒示範了言論自由
- 10. A person has the right to a dignified death 人有權利帶著尊嚴離世
- 11. Nurturing young people is no easy task 培養年輕人非易事
- 12. Easing fatal stresses for HK’s mainland students 讓在港內地學生紓緩致命壓力
- 13. Education: right product, wrong market 教育:正確的產品 錯誤的市場
- 14. Newspapers must transform, or perish 報紙要麼轉型或消亡
- 15. One rule won’t fit all 沒有萬能的政策
- 16. Top universities need to pay top salaries 頂尖大學需付豐厚薪酬
- 17. Faculty‘protectionism’by a matter of degrees 由學位問題所引起的師資「保護主義」
- 18. The gap between reality and expectation 現實和期望之間的鴻溝
- 19. Stick to journalistic ethics 堅守新聞原則
- 20. Bridging education gap 讓多些窮孩子念大學
- 21. Anti-inflation subsidy policy needed 資助受通脹肆虐的市民
- 22. Laws need to be changed to better fight money-laundering 要修改法律打擊洗黑錢
- 嘉賓:
- 馮強
- 時間:
- 2013年7月20日(六) 18:00 - 19:00
- 地點:
- 紅出版攤位1B-E16