幸福快樂的人生哪裡來 A Way to Happiness

  • 紙書
出版社 紅出版 (青森文化)
語言 繁體中文及英文
出版日期 2011-10-20
頁數 264
國際書號 9789888122547
內文色彩 黑白
尺寸 14cm x 21cm
訂裝 平裝/膠裝
紙書售價 HK$55.00


Science is separated from after the influence of Renaissance and the Enlightenment in the West, but currently people start mixing them up again, rather than viewing them respectively. As a telecommunication engineer, the author tried to relieve his sorrow of the death of his young son by studying Buddhism. In the study, he discovered that there are linkages between science and Buddhism, and eventually understand the way to happiness through the findings.


Science is separated from religion after the influence of Renaissance and the Enlightenment in the West, but currently people start mixing them up again, rather than viewing them respectively. As a telecommunication engineer, the author tried to relieve his sorrow of the death of his young son by studying Buddhism. In the study, he discovered that there are linkages between science and Buddhism, and eventually understood the way to happiness through the findings.



Those who like to understand the linkages between science and Buddhism may grasp the brief idea through the personal experience of the author, Also, people who are interested in the pursuit the happiness may think of the truth of life that the author has discovered.



I am an engineer, with master degrees in Semiconductor Physics and Digital Systems. I have over 30 years of experience working in Telecommunication engineering services field, in the capacity of management. I like thinking and analysis. My points of view on life and human behavior are unique and special.


  • 目錄
    • 第一章 簡介Introduction
    • 第二章 不可思義的經歷 Majestic Experiences
    • 第三章 唱誦與積極態度 Effect of Positive Attitude and Chanting
    • 第四章 成功的關鍵因素 The key success factor on Problem Solving
    • 第五章 經驗左右思想 The mind is dominated by experiences
    • 第六章 人類行為的假設 Hypothesis on Human Behavior
    • 第七章 痛苦與快樂的根源 Causes for Suffering and Happiness
    • 第八章 大自然法則 Aspects of Law of Nature
    • 第九章 悟處 Inspired Lessons
    • 第十章 佛教 Buddhism
    • 第十一章 量子力學 Quantum Mechanics
    • 第十二章 結論:邁向幸福快樂之道 Conclusion –A Way to Happiness
    • 附錄 Appendix