近年流行講潮語,就連會考科也出現潮語「屈機」及「O嘴」,但英文的潮語及俚語你又懂得多少呢?全港最受歡迎的英文科「補習天后」之一June Leung特別炮製了這本必讀的英語「潮語」,讓大家在「毫不設防」的情況下認識日常慣用英語,實行將最傳統的和最酷的都一網打盡,到蘭桂坊蒲也不會口啞啞。
- 潮語 + 俚語 + 口語 = 《英語潮通Guide》
- 「豬扒」唔係pork chop,「O嘴」唔係O mouth,「放飛機」唔係fly aeroplane,補習天后帶你衝出課室,以英語活出街頭智慧。
- 免費網上收聽正確英文地道發音。著名DJ Ben、Bob真情演繹,有聲有畫有遊戲,爆笑連場。
- 由國際著名設計師又一山人仗義操刀,資深傳媒人及作家鄧明儀精心主編,廣告商會主席袁文俊博士誠意推薦。
- 超過100張全彩色插畫, 有助提昇學習興趣。
“Mind your language”
English tutor June Leung Ho-ki tries to put an educational spin on it by matching chiu yu with English expressions in her book, Slang 111. “Most students only speak classroom English and often have no clue about English slang, which sometimes comes up in listening sections of public exams,” she says.
Leung, who says she consulted more than 200 native English speakers, completed her book in three months for release at this year’s book fair. Examples include gai (literally “cut”), the local equivalent of “hit on”, and woon gau (compensated dating) is sugardaddy dating. “I don’t encourage students to use these terms, but ignorance doesn’t do them any good,” she says. “Trouble starts when you don’t know what foreigners are talking about. Slang can be risky because there are many nuances involved.”
- Slang111 是此書的英文書名
June Leung 梁賀琪
八十年代末期畢業於港大文學院,主修翻譯,之後與Richard Eng創辦遵理學校,一直從事補習行業達二十年,是香港最受歡迎及最有學生緣的「補習天后」之一。